Rodents in your Texas Home

When rodents get in your Texas home, it can be pretty frightening:

  1. They are an unwelcome pest in the place you rest your head. That’s not good.
  2. You never know where they will dart out from in the night.
  3. Rodents are dirty, carry disease, and they foul any place they run.

So, if you have rodents in your Texas home, you will likely stop at nothing to get them out.

At Tom Samples Pest Control, we don’t blame you for being a bit startled. That is why we have the answer for your pest control needs. But before we go into how we can help, allow us to give you some information on the rodents in Texas.

What Animals Are Considered Rodents

All rodents fall in a category with specific characteristics. To be considered a rodent, the animal must have a pair of continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws.

In fact, 40% of all mammals are rodents. Thus, it stands to reason, rodents are not just mice and rats.

Common rodents include:

  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Squirrels
  • Beavers
  • Prairie dogs
  • Porcupines
  • Guinea pigs
  • Hamsters

Each of these is small with robust bodies, long tails, and short legs. Also, they all carry diseases and germs that you do not want in your home.

Why Are Rodents Considered Pests?

There are all sorts of creepy crawlers that strike fear in the hearts of humans—roaches, spiders, snakes, and rodents, to name a few. However, not everyone knows why rodents are considered pests. And honestly, the list of reasons is pretty severe.

  1. Rodents pose a serious health risk. They can carry and spread many diseases, primarily the hantavirus.
  2. Their droppings and urine can contaminate food and water.
  3. And they frequently damage parts of buildings and electrical wiring with their chewing habits.

It is challenging to keep rats and mice out of buildings and structures. That is why it requires a skilled pest removal service to ensure their elimination. Your local pest control company knows just how to help homeowners with rodent infestations.

The Rodents in Texas

The experts in pest control for Texas have put together this list of the common rodents wanting to gain entry into your home and yard. If you notice any of the following hanging around a bit too much, call for professional help.

Roof Rat


Perhaps the most feared of the rodent family is the rat, and for a good reason. Wild rats are very dangerous to have in your home. They can do significant damage to your house, and they carry diseases like Salmonella, Bubonic Plague, Rat-bite Fever, and Hantavirus, among others. The damage they create can be pretty extensive. Rodents will…

  • Start fires by chewing on wires.
  • Infest your pets with fleas and ticks.
  • Tear up the insulation in your attic.
  • Ruin your pantry food supply.
  • And they can aggravate allergies with their dust, droppings, saliva, and fur.

The main types located in Texas are the roof rats and the Norway rats.

Roof Rats

Often referred to as house rats or ship rats, these rats can grow to be 16 inches long with a longer tail than its body. Roof rats may be black, brown, or whitish gray. And they prefer to eat nuts, fruit, snails, and more.

Norway Rats

Found hiding under floors, foundations, decks, and in the trash. These rats are very active, have tails shorter than their bodies, and get about 16 inches long. They are generally grayish-brown but can also be black or red-brown in color. They like to eat grains, vegetation, and seeds but will eat almost anything.

House Mouse


The same goes for mice, as with rats. They do the same damage and carry disease. The biggest problem with mice in the home is in how fast they multiply. Once a couple get in, you can have hundreds in no time. So, here are the types in Texas for you to identify in case they enter your home or yard.

House Mouse

These little guys are light brown to black in color, and they are about 5 to 8 inches long, with tails the length of their bodies. They eat nearly anything, such as insects, snails, worms, carrion, and seeds. The worst part is they reproduce rapidly, and they deliver about six young every three weeks.

Deer Mouse

Luckily, the deer mouse does not usually enter homes. However, they will ruin a farm in a hurry. They are brown with a white underbelly and white feet. These mice are 5 to 8 inches in length, including the tail.

Texas Squirrels


Squirrels in the attic of your home are a big concern. You see, squirrels like the attic because it is dark and secluded and usually has plenty of material to make a nest up there.

So, suppose squirrels do get in your attic. In that case, you will need to have an experienced pest control company get them out immediately. Here are the signs of a squirrel in the attic.

  • Squirrels are the daytime rodents, so they will be heard playing and building the nest in the day.
  • A two-inch hole with gnawing marks may be a squirrel entry point.
  • A squirrel will chew cables, shred insulation, pick at the walls, pull away shingles, and create holes in the home’s siding to gain entry and build a nest.
  • Droppings can be identified as belonging to squirrels.

Several species of squirrels can get into your Texas Home, including the squirrels listed below.

Fox Squirrels

A rather large tree squirrel measuring about 21 inches long and weighing 1-2 pounds is the most common of all the Texas squirrels. And fox squirrels resemble the gray fox. They have a cinnamon tail and feet, with black fur on the back and orange fur on the belly.

Gray Squirrels

The gray squirrel is another common squirrel, slightly smaller than the fox squirrels. And their fur is different in that they have a pale underbelly and a grayish coat mixed with brown and black. Found only in the east portion of Texas, these tree squirrels are very active in the day.

Flying Squirrels

The most unique squirrels found in Texas are the flying squirrels. They are different in several ways. One way is they are nocturnal, unlike the majority of squirrels. Flying squirrels are the smallest, measuring about 8.5 inches in total length from head to tail. And they live in social packs rather than on their own. The coloration is similar to the gray squirrel with a pale underbelly and darker fur. Also, they do not fly; instead, they glide with flaps of skin that attach from their wrists to their ankles.

Rock Squirrels

Rock squirrels are ground-dwelling squirrels found in rocky places. They have similar colors to the gray squirrel but with a darker head. And they are generally the same size as the gray squirrel and the fox squirrel.

Fleas and ticks

Secondary Rodent Pests

Fleas and ticks are considered secondary rodent pests as they travel in with the rodent. So, if you are experiencing a rat or mouse problem, you likely have ticks and fleas. And with those, your pets are in danger as well as you and your family. They carry disease and more.

Ensure your home is free of fleas and ticks after a rodent gets in by hiring your trusted local pest control company to treat the house.

Preventing Rodents in Your Texas Home

Keeping rodents out of your Texas home is imperative to the health of your house and family. You can take an active part in keeping them out by following a few steps for prevention.

  • Keep a tight lid on all trash cans so they do not see them as a food source.
  • Clear clutter from the yard, garage, and shed. This eliminates hiding places.
  • Remove attractors like bird feeders and outdoor pet bowls.
  • Seal all the possible entry points.
  • Hire a professional to inspect the area for those entry points and attractors.

Professional Rodent Control

At Tom Samples Pest Control, we can make certain entry points in your roofing, siding, exhaust vents, cracked weather stripping, and other areas are sealed, and that rodents cannot enter the building.

Whether you are experiencing an emergency that needs to be dealt with, need an inspection, or any pest control services in between, we offer the professional assistance you deserve.

Contact Tom Samples Pest Control for all your pest elimination needs.